Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nigeria - Lagos

I recently had the good luck of visiting Nigeria. Even for a casual visitor the cultural richness and diversity of the Country is awesome.
Lagos is the Commercial capital of Nigeria while Abuja is the Capital. Lagos is a large city. The drive from Lagos airport to Victoria Island (called VI) is about 2 hours in peak traffic conditions. A couple of lovely bridges form the drive from the Airport to VI.

Lagos and Nigeria have several pristine unspoilt beaches. I visited the main beach in Lagos - the Bar Beech. The Government of Lagos is building it on the lines of Queens Necklace or Narimal Point. The beech is clean and the White sand is nice. The crowd is totally variant - from kids playing soccer to people praying to a casual walker.

View of the walk way on the Bar Beech
A view of the sands of the Bar Beech
A view of the concrete walk way being built
Soccer being played on the walkway. The quality of the soccer was quite good even for a casual observer.
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